Little Panda English Learning Centre School Policy

Notice of Absence/Leave


LITTLE PANDA will credit a student’s account in the subsequent month for unattended classes only if the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. LITTLE PANDA is informed of the intended absence at least 24 hours prior to the class.
  2. The number of intended absence(s) does not exceed 25%, of the total number of classes per month, (e.g. if there is a total of 8 classes per month, LITTLE PANDA will only credit a maximum of 2 missed classes, sick leave inclusive). Any further unattended classes are non-refundable.
  3. Notice of absence is not required if a valid medical certificate is presented afterwards. LITTLE PANDA will only credit the days that corresponds on the medical certificate.

Typhoon/Rainstorm Warnings Arrangement

Classes are held as usual during Amber/Red Rainstorms and Typhoon signal 1 or 3. Whether or not the student attends class is at the parents’ discretion, but there are no refunds for unattended classes.

In the event of a Black Rainstorm or Typhoon signal 8 warning (or above), classes will be cancelled. Should the warning level be lowered before 15:30PM, classes will resume as usual (two hours from the warning level is lowered). If the warning is lowered AFTER 15:30PM, all classes will be cancelled for that day. It is up to the discretion of parent(s) to bring the student to LITTLE PANDA. In the case of absence, parent(s) shall call to LITTLE PANDA. There will be NO REFUND, but make up classes will be arranged in this case.


Parents are advised that tuition payments must be made prior or on the first class of each month.

Little Panda English Learning Centre accepts the following methods of payment:

Cash OR Cheque payable to “Little Panda English Learning Centre”


Should a student discontinue a course, LITTLE PANDA must receive written notice 7 days prior to the last class the student will attend. This sufficient notification enables teacher(s) to prepare the student for completion of any on-going course materials/ projects.


Please ensure students arrive on time for class and are picked-up on time when class ends. For safety reasons, if students arrive too early, parents/ guardians must accompany students on premises until class starts.

Please be reminded that the above policy may be reviewed and updated regularly without notice. LITTLE PANDA welcomes parents to contact the school for information on policy updates.

LITTLE PANDA reserves the right to make the final decision in the best interest of both parties.

Thank you for your continual support and understanding of the Little Panda English Learning Centre.